
swo3zda3484bmnj8c7al1io4jzsi 3.11 MB
Map of the Realm of Erlan

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The Ancient and Sleeping Gods

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The New Gods

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Ullumair, the Ancient God of Life and Order

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Feralzmoon, the Ancient God of Chaos and the Aberiths
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An Aberith
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Abby, of the First Ashfallen Daughters of Harrowfell
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Iflair Undermoon of Fayrest of Eightowns, the Godmarked
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Kusari-gama, a weapon of the Feraliths, the priests of Feralzmoon
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Spiralhammer, a weapon made of the spiralore used by the Feraliths
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Kukri, an ancient weapon of the Mythals of Ullumair, forged form the tusk of a Narwhal
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Ullumair's profile